Growth Lab

SocceroofGrowth Marketing | User Acquisition

Subject:User Acquisition
Service:Growth Lab
  • 1.64X

    New users over a month

  • -82.1%

    Decrease in CAC over a month

The Challenge

Soccer is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in the United States but still ranks lower in popularity than Football and Basketball. People are more familiar with booking a gym class on ClassPass or going to fitness classes instead of seeking out a soccer game. With 10 indoor soccer fields and a rooftop bar, Socceroof is New York City’s first indoor soccer facility. The brand launched a new product on their platform: Pick-Up Games. With a simple concept: anyone who wants to play soccer can join a game without organizing a full team. The only necessary step is to register on the application and book a slot. The challenge in this mission was first to create brand awareness while educating people about soccer, and second, to introduce a new product while driving significant bookings to the platform.

The Solution

Bringing a new offer to the market and educating people requires a deep understanding of our audience combined with precise targeting.

First, we defined personas based on our offer selling proposition and the consumer appetence for sports and soccer. Personas were classified by who would be the most likely to enjoy and play soccer based on age, preferences, interests, behaviors, and networking. The key was (and always is) to define the right messages and triggers. The offer must acknowledge a unique problem and a solution to the user.

We removed all pain points and barriers to the market and also listed all the solutions our offer could provide. Here, opting for a Growth Hacking methodology can significantly improve your metrics to offer the flexibility to adjust your product to the market and therefore achieve a perfect Market-Fit. In this campaign, we tested 60+ triggers for AB testing and data collection. For each trigger we crafted a message, key visual, and headline, with each one classified by theme.

Employing this strategy, we launched more than 100 campaigns.

Our first sprint consisted of testing all our campaigns with a very low daily ad spend in order to quickly and cost-effectively understand which triggers and campaigns were performing the best.

Between each sprint, we monitored campaigns with a “Kill & Learn” approach. Our deep-learning technology provides us with a rich quality of data and analysis to offer not only the opportunity to kill campaigns that show low performance but also insights into why some perform better than others.

As always, the campaign revealed that some triggers known and used by competitors showed lower levels of performance. We discovered two themes that engaged all user interests and improved the campaign with data-driven insights.

This methodology allowed us to learn important information about our users both to reduce our CAC and to discover new streams of revenue.